Me with No You Healing Journey through Traumatic Grief and Suicide Loss
A Twelve-week Healing Hearts Journey in connecting back to self and our loved ones on the other side.
We begin in July 13th
10am GMT | 6pm EST | 3pm PST

Healing Mind
Throat chakra activation and learning conscious communication to express needs, boundaries, highest truth and expression.
Grief processing and sharing circles are optional if you choose to.
We are working with Neuroplasticity healing methods to build new neural pathways and healthy circuits in your brain, which is extremely powerful and essential in healing PTSD and trauma effects.

Healing Body
Working with the physical, emotional and mental planes in releasing energy blocks, trapped emotions, stagnant energy and areas of dis-ease and discomfort with integrative somatic trauma therapies. Diving deep into the subconscious terrain to dissolve, dismantle and re-write any limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs and programming.

Healing Soul
Experiencing a full expansion with life itself as the spiritual being you are, connecting back to this truth, your essence, the oneness and the interconnectedness of all creation and expanding your energy and vibration to that which is a prime frequency match to establish an energetic relationship with your loved one(s) on the other side.
There is nothing new to learn, only to remember what you already know.

"Rebecca has been instrumental in my healing journey. Losing my big brother and only sibling left me breathless. It shattered my heart into a million pieces. I could never have imagined the pain and devastating effects it caused my family and me.
Working with Rebecca helped me deal with the pain in a safe space. Breathwork, somatic healing, hypnotherapy and shadow work were the tools I needed.
I'm a therapist, and I knew I needed something different to deal with the silent agony and suffering I was carrying. I needed to release the sorrow.
Thank you, Rebecca, for caring so deeply, understanding, and teaching me these beautiful tools that I can use when the waves of grief arise. I am forever grateful."
The Experience
Embarking on a journey like this takes courage; as we dive deep into our subconscious, we are asked to face ourselves, our pain, grief and trauma, it is through this brave descent that we experience breakthrough after breakthrough, and the reward for such work is swimming in the vast ocean of the quantum field and all of its magical and infinite possibilities with spirit and our loved ones.
There is no beginning and end; our loved ones have returned to the most beautiful place with no time and space between our worlds. There is an intrinsic relationship between trauma and spirituality, when we surrender fully to the only moment we have and trust, our bodies innate wisdom and our minds take us on a full expansive journey that words cant quite describe. Our human eye can only see 1% of what is around us, take a moment to let that sink in.
It is all energy, when we change our energy we change our life and through it all.... well, you have to wait and see what the universe and spirit has to reveal to you.
In these healing containers, we often experience things so profound that no one would believe us if we told them that; that is why it is so important to find your soul tribe when we begin the quest of bridging our two worlds together.
Which is one of the many reasons I am excited to invite you to this intimate container with others who walk the path in healing a broken heart in what can feel so isolating.
There is truly nothing like healing in the community, especially when we work with our loved ones on the other side- the energy is electric and so magical.
The pain we have experienced in grief is to be honoured, tended to and nourished; it is the suffering and limitations we work in dismantling so we can live a life in its fullest potential, to feel free and liberated with energy channels so clear we are divinely tuned into our loved ones on the other side.
This journey is truly a magical quest in what is possible after so much destruction and heartbreak.
Begin Your Journey HereOur Time Together
- Six profound Healing Ceremonies.
- Six weekly embodiment rituals to practice and integrate into your daily routine.
- Somatic Healing techniques you will be guided through and taught.
- Six multimedia modules with journal prompts, worksheets, reflection exercises and self study on mind, body, soul teachings
- Trauma teachings and self study- PTSD/trauma effects/
- Downloadable meditations, hypnosis audios and EFT tapping healing
- Grief processing and circling with others in the healing container
- Healings are - Sound, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, EFT, Kinesiology, Ceremonial Breathwork, Meditation/Mindfulness, Integrative somatic trauma therapies and Hypnosis.
- Spiritual development practices
***much more***
Our Ceremonies
- Releasing trapped emotions, energy blocks, trauma, grief and other vibrational shifts.
- Finding quantum flow, somatic unwinding, nervous system regulation and integration.
- Inner child healing, throat chakra activation and cord-cutting rituals
- Ancestral trauma clearing up to 14 generations, clearing limiting beliefs, blocks and faulty perceptions to weave your future dream through visualisation, manifestation and embodiment.
- Chakra Balancing and alignment- targeting specific emotions in certain organs and chakras
- Soul retrieval- calling back lost parts of self through trauma and abandonment.
- Messages from the soul – fine-tuning your inner guidance and channelling wisdom from the divine source, higher self, spirit.
***much more***
Meet your guide, Rebecca.
Rebecca is a trauma-informed somatic healing therapist specialising in grief and suicide loss.
After being in the dark for such a long time from losing her dear brother to suicide, Rebecca is very passionate about healing and guiding others on the path of recovery.
She specialises in various energetic healings that meet on all levels of mind, body and soul.
After walking this same path herself, she now lives her life in ways she never thought possible, connected to spirit and the universe as one.
Through this life-changing, transformational journey, Rebecca guides you through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual recovery with a range of holistic and somatic healings that once practised are yours for a lifetime.
The magnitude of healing is revealed through these practices and will transform your life and perception of the world, life and death; this journey is designed to take you far deeper than traditional grief counselling.
Rebecca is devoted to helping those who suffer through grief, trauma, and the brutality of suicide loss find joy and happiness in their life once again; she is dedicated to guiding those on their path of awakening to their spiritual essence and to the magic that it is unseen with our naked eyes.

Energy Exchange / Payment Plans
There are 10 spots available for April then a waitlist will open.
Early bird price starts at $555 then it will go up.
Our ceremonies are where we experience the clearing, the shifts, the realisations, ah-ha moments and deep connections. Integrating these shifts in daily embodiment practices and implementing the wisdom into our waking life creates the transformation of self.
We can completely transform how we perceive the world, how we show up, how we tend to our grief and how we feel in mind, body and soul when we work with our energy.
There truly is no way around our pain but to work through it, there; there is no other way to regain the relationship with our loved ones on the other side in all its glory than to clear our channels and begin practice with rituals and working with our consciousness.
We cannot bypass; we must do the work to fully understand and embody the spiritual practices, the emotional releasing and shifts. Understanding healing as an intellectual concept and manifesting its vibration as a deeply rooted sense of your being are two very different experiences.
Throughout this journey, Rebecca will be taking you through some life-changing ceremonies that will have you come to realise through every cell of your being that you are truly unlimited, expansive, and accurate authentic love, light, beauty, and wisdom.
You will gain knowledge, experience, wisdom and embodiment in your time together that will flow through every area of your life.
We go far beyond traditional grief therapies, and not only do I guide you through these ceremonies, but I also teach you healing techniques for you to practice, embody and create routines from.
Your energy is the most important thing you have, and I teach you how to heal in ways your energy and vibration remain at their highest. Spiritual hygiene is no less critical than your physical hygiene.
When your energy is clear, so is your mental, physical and emotional health- it is an inside job, and I walk with you every step of the way.
We work in the realms of higher consciousness to experience our true nature of pure freedom and experience our spiritual essence.
I can't wait to invite you into this sacred space for a transformational journey where you can experience all things seen and unseen and most importantly to welcome more joy, peace, calm and happiness into your life.
Infinite love,
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