

Journey of Awakening: Nurturing the Body's Energy and Uncovering Deep Layers of Self



Feeling the energy on a kinesthetic level is undoubtedly a significant aspect, but, unfortunately, many tend to overly focus on the physical movements and kriyas, neglecting the profound advancement of their consciousness, awareness, and healing. When deep-seated pain, trauma, or a multitude of such experiences have been buried within one's being throughout their lifetime, it is unrealistic to expect that a mere one or two-hour session with a facilitator will immediately unearth and resolve these profoundly ingrained issues.

This work extends far beyond physical movements; in fact, there are multiple avenues for releasing energy. The nervous system possesses an inherent intelligence that has created shields, armour, and protective mechanisms to assist us. Some manifestations may need time to unwind, behaviours that require illumination and processing. Sometimes, the most profound sessions occur when we are in stillness, allowing ourselves to enter a deep, altered state of awareness where we can gather insights, receive messages, and unlock our creative genius.

Furthermore, it is crucial to allow sufficient time to process emotional events, experiences, and traumas held within the body. If the energy were to surge past these layers and immediately manifest in movement, it would bypass this work's essential and transformative aspects. Why do we seek to disregard the most important facets of this journey, aiming for outcomes that hold little to no true meaning?

The body moves in ways that aid us in releasing energy. However, if we envision our emotional blocks as heavy rocks scattered throughout our system, it naturally takes time for the energy to dissolve these blocks, allowing for a free flow of energy through our pathways and the spaces that have been created.

If we solely focus on the physical movements, we only concentrate on a minuscule fraction of this transformative process. Its true essence extends far beyond what transpires on the mat. We are awakening a dormant energy within our beings that possesses the power to transform not only our individual lives but also the entire timeline of humanity, healing, spirituality in the Western world, and the current state of the mental health crisis.

Remembering who we truly are transcends the superficiality of how we shake and move on a yoga mat.

By embracing this mindset, we open ourselves to the work's true essence and its profound possibilities. Through our dedication and devotion, we can unlock the transformative power within ourselves and embark on a truly transformative path, not what the facilitator "can or cannot do" The space can take you as deep as you are willing and ready to go.

As we embark on this journey, it is essential to recognise that the movement of energy and the awakening of our Kundalini is a gradual process. There is no race or fast lane to rush through. The intelligence of this energy surpasses our intellect and intuitively knows what our system needs and when. We cannot bypass the authentic states of enlightenment; we must patiently work our way towards them.

The potency of this frequency within us is extraordinary, and we are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with it in a way that allows for a steady increase and integration. It is crucial to respect the pace at which this energy unfolds within us. If it were to awaken all at once, we could feel overwhelmed, disoriented, and disconnected from our bodies and minds. This is not an energy to be rushed or forced.

In a sense, two aspects of humanity coexist when we awaken this energy. One aspect is multi-sensory, perceiving beyond the limitations of the five senses. The other aspect remains rooted in the realm of the five senses. It is a profound shift that requires diligence and care in our approach.

The awakening of this energy within us allows us to experience life with heightened sensitivity and a broadened emotional landscape. It brings forth aspects of ourselves that have long been buried, inviting us to honour and explore these textures that arise.

As we engage in this transformative journey, honouring and embracing each emerging aspect of ourselves is crucial. The intelligence inherent in this process understands the need for gradual unfolding. It guides us bit by bit, illuminating hidden layers, facilitating the release of what no longer serves us, and integrating the newfound wisdom into our being.

This work is a continuous cycle of purification, integration, and exploration. We delve into the depths of our being, peeling back the layers and venturing into the multifaceted realms of self. With each step, our channels become clearer, allowing the energy to flow unobstructed, revealing the inherent beauty and radiance within us.

Engaging in this profound journey has the potential to bring about life-changing transformations. It invites us to embrace our authentic selves, heal deeply rooted wounds, and expand our consciousness. As we navigate this path, we come to recognise the profound significance and impact of this inner work on our lives and the world around us.

Let us approach this journey with reverence, patience, and an open heart, knowing that it has the power to reshape our lives and bring us into a greater alignment with our true essence.

Let us not be driven by an illusory end goal or seek to rush the process. It is a continuous journey of exploration and growth. The true essence lies not in a destination but in the transformative power of the journey itself. Embrace the unfolding, honour the wisdom of this energy, and remain diligent in our practice.

The awakening and rise of the body are deeply connected to the degree of our dedication, care, and nourishment towards it. It is not a matter of imposing our will or ego-driven desires upon it, but rather a harmonious partnership and attentiveness to its needs; this journey is not about forcing or demanding results from our body but rather about cultivating a genuine partnership. As we work in harmony with our body, respecting its natural timing and rhythm, we create a fertile ground for profound healing, growth, and awakening to occur. 

And lastly, understanding that nothing is owed to us in this process is crucial. We must wholeheartedly dedicate and devote ourselves to the magic that unfolds through this transformative journey. It requires our active participation, commitment, and willingness to explore the depths of our being.