


What is Energy Healing and how can it help me heal through trauma?


We have access to impeccable energy that allows us to be our own best healer, which is vital, as research shows that symptoms of diseases are related to what is happening in our consciousness. 

No matter what the level of spiritual evolution is for each of us, deepening your understanding of life beyond materialistic views of what healing means is all that is required to step outside of our current perceptions and become awakened. 

It is vital for trauma survivors to change the environment of what exists inside their bodies; by doing so, we are able to change the narrative of the content that lives there, and we can become the chain breakers for our past and our future. The trauma held within our bodies from our traumatic experience(s) will be held there, influencing our behaviours, thoughts, emotions and reality until we heal it. 

This kind of traumatic energy does not go away simply on its own; it will continue to live within our cells and DNA; it is an energy that will continue to be passed down and around to others who live within our environments until someone is ready to heal it. It can be a perpetuating cycle of trauma that is unconsciously picked up and passed through to others until one is ready to clear their energy channels, cells, and nervous system of the trauma; this leaves us in a higher frequency which also becomes an energy that is passed down and through to others. This is cause and effect. 

This is where we need to ask ourselves and truly think about what energy we wish to influence those we love and ourselves.  

Those who have survived and healed their trauma are able to create a significant impact in this world with the wealth of knowledge that results from healing on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. The world needs this more than ever right now 


Emotional Acceptance of What We are Feeling 


Firstly, before we decide on any action, it is essential we first have emotional acceptance of what it is we are feeling; there is no defeatism in accepting whatever is arising. By doing so, we can narrow down on that particular emotion, accept the fact that it is there and shine a light on it. Each emotion can unravel a whole ton of stories that are all individually built up energetically within the body, which requires a process of unravelment. Self-awareness of what we are feeling is paramount before we may begin working on the energetics and releasing through the beautiful healing capabilities of Kundalini. 


The Symptom of a Problem  


It is essential to understand that the symptom is not the problem but a symptom of a problem. The medical view is that a disorder or dis-ease can be treated with medication. This is masking the symptoms and not dealing with the source of the problem. Whatever works for you and makes you feel better in dealing with the symptom is fine; they do not have to be mutually exclusive; however, working with alternate approaches and working within the consciousness may enable us to deal with the root cause.  

When symptoms have presented themselves on a physical level, it is a reflection of what Is happening within the consciousness of that person that later has manifested itself into illness or dis-ease. All tension and stress can be released, so one can return to a state that truly reflects who they are; the person underneath the debris of stress can be revealed through a process of healing.  

This is important to understand for a few reasons, one being that trauma can have severe implications on our health and well-being. We often aren’t dealing with acute issues that will pass in a few days. We may be dealing with heavy-duty emotions that, again, are the lowest of frequencies and can manifest as a chronic illness if left unattended 


Healing brings us closer to all that is; it bridges us to the essence of who we really are. We all live in a highly-strung society that is often in a state of fight and flight. Whether we identify with that fear-based paradigm or not, our own healing work and level of consciousness impact humanity as a collective. This inner work sets the bar high for all those we love and care for; we cannot give others what we do not have ourselves. 

One hasn’t consciously chosen to have trauma symptoms; they are a logical conclusion to the thoughts and emotions they have experienced from stress, trauma, and experiences throughout life. The symptoms communicate with us and tell us that something needs to change. Once the environment that the symptom thrives in has been changed, then the symptom no longer has a reason to be there. If we understand that thinking a certain way can create a symptom, then we can understand that by changing that thought, we can release the symptom- it is cause and effect; when we resolve the pain and trauma, we essentially overhaul our health and are finally able to move forward. When we do this, we become aligned with our higher selves, spirit, and the divine. 

The first step is to become self-aware of what we may unconsciously be holding onto. However, working with the energetics and clearing our energy pathways is the marginalised portion where the big healing lies. It becomes unparalleled healing when we are both aware of what we are feeling and can work with our Kundalini Shakti to release it.  


Living in the Flow 


When we are living in flow, we are acutely aware of what feels good, and more attuned to signs and synchronicities; we release blocks, so we are like beacons of light attracting all that we desire in life. We become the architects of our lives and can become strong co-creators of our destiny; we become the master of our emotions and feel more alive, but for us specifically, we can find purpose in our pain. 


Everything is energy; as humans, everything we see around us, our loved ones in spirit, are energy, and our thoughts, feelings, and emotions too, are energy, all vibrating at different frequencies. Our experience of being and consciousness is pure energy, whether it manifests into what is deemed physical or remains invisible. Lifeforce energy runs through our entire bodies, and when our lifeforce is low, it can be quantified through things like Kirlian photographs; for instance, we are able to measure certain patterns of energy the body is emitting; thus, we can measure a change in the pattern of the aura through the change in consciousness. Here is something super interesting, the pattern weakness present in a person shows up in the energy field long before it does in the physical body. The energy that resides in our bodies has its own frequencies that can disrupt the flow to our energy centres, the chakra system, and if there’s no flow, then things get stuck and blocked. Feelings are the most real thing we have, and it is a true art to turn towards them and face them; no logic will get rid of fear; to alleviate the suffering, we must look inside the body- where the trauma lives. 


The direct manifestation comes from the consciousness through to the energy field and then into the body. Therefore, what we see in the body is the result of the very thing that began in the consciousness. Take a moment to think that if this has the power to manifest sickness, what kind of power can be used for greatness? This may seem all too obvious when most of us will have or have had our bodies screaming out to us for help during our own healing journeys. Still, it is important to understand that each of us has the power to change the environment, emotions, and symptoms, and Kundalini will show you how when you awaken her through gnosis, self-realisation and witnessing how patterns have formed throughout our lives.  


Trauma can drive us to the edge of comprehension, cutting us off from all language, and when words fail us, we can be haunted by recurring images and visuals. Surviving trauma also requires persistence and courage; it shuts down our inner compass and can keep us ‘scared stiff.’ Many traumatised people often have trouble sensing what is happening inside their bodies; when the nervous system has been overridden, we can become disconnected. Suppressing our inner cries for help will not stop our stress hormones from increasing; even if we ignore them and block out the distress, signals will later appear in symptoms that demand our attention. The body will present its bill. 


We are wired to survive, so when we react to trauma, the subconscious mind triggers our survival instincts and will create an emotional response before our conscious mind can catch up. Somatic unwinding is a holistic practice that has the power to transform on the deepest levels of mind, body, and spirit; together, we will be raising our vibrations and shifting these emotions at the level of the quantum. Understanding why we feel a certain way will not change how we feel, but when we shift repressed emotions, we are left feeling much lighter, freer, with sharpened clarity and focus. Neuroscience shows that the only way we can change how we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to sit with it and befriend it; avoiding these sensations in the body increases our vulnerability to becoming overwhelmed by them. 


Doing the (Mindful) Work 

It takes mindful work to shift our triggers and patterns. As we bring awareness to the emotional and energetic blockages, we can fire and rewire new neural pathways and bring more life force energy (prana) into our bodies. As we are made of energy and emotion, the most efficient way to release them is with another form of energy. Once we release a trapped emotion, it is gone for good; as we dissolve suffering in grace and regain safety within the body, the feelings of love, joy, and peace will once again be able to flourish when we have freed ourselves from the mind's dominance.  

Awakening our kundalini is a pure act of grace that allows us to create the spaciousness within where trapped emotions and unprocessed trauma may have laid stagnant. Awakening this energy allows us to cultivate more joyful and peaceful emotions throughout that become our new state of being, not just emotional.  


When we feel an emotion starting to take over our bodies, there are certain things we can do to release them, with the power of intention, repeating-  "release this, release this, release this." We can engage in shaking, exercise, breathwork, ecstatic dance, activating your kundalini, hitting or screaming into a pillow… you will notice that all animals will shake out their trauma; they instinctively do this to release it on a cellular level. For those who are new to this work, there may be practices they can engage in as listed above so they can intensify their Kundalini and allow it to begin flowing more freely until, at last, they merge with it.  


Unless we were raised in a soul-supportive environment, we wouldn't likely be shown how to release emotions safely or self-regulate. Over time the weight of emotions we carry become heavier and heavier, and we lack the tools to release them. Many of us may later form coping mechanisms to mask what is really going on inside. Through deep somatic unwinding and energy work, we activate our primal Kundalini whilst in the parasympathetic nerve response, and we enter into a deep lucid state of relaxation; as we start to unlock these painful emotions, we find that we allow them to release in a safe and calming environment, we are open and receptive, allowing our bodies innate wisdom to bring what is in the shadows into the light.  

We begin to heal from the source and root of what has been keeping us small, holding us back, making us sick, and keeping us from tapping into our fullest potential. 


Emotions are intelligent; they are our compass and are trying to communicate with us; there is no such thing as a negative emotion. Only what we 'do" with that emotion can be deemed as negative. Energy work and Kundalini Activation are powerful allies when releasing emotions. 

All emotions are welcome as we surrender and let go; we must give ourselves permission to feel everything that arises. They want to be heard and move freely through the body, we can’t be ‘treated’ for any form of a horrendous thing that happened to us, and it cannot be undone. But we can deal with the imprint of trauma on our mind, body and soul. Trauma robs us of being in charge of ourselves until we take that power back from external sources and do the deep inner work.  

Once we have expressed and released our repressed energy, we return to our authentic selves. On this healing journey, we will find many truths about ourselves; like an act of remembrance, we move back to our true selves before we were told who we were or how to be.  


Trapped Emotions 

Our thoughts create a reaction that is dependent on the thought itself. When we have a thought, it evokes an emotion that we release into the quantum field (the universe.) 

The more painful or difficult the emotion, the denser the frequency is- the thought slows all the way down and turns into matter. You will see that as we journey from the lowest and most difficult emotions, we move from matter into the light, which carries different levels of thoughts and emotions.  


This in essence, is journeying through different levels of consciousness; we each have to pass through them to arrive at oneness or to experience wholeness. You can see here that the one suffering has a journey to make when moving through these emotions to heal, Joe Dispenza says "we can see why most never make it." 


It is very possible to experience trauma and still be able to experience those heightened emotions of love and vitality. Our healing practices give us space to heal and re-wire our brains, bodies, and state of being. We are never separate from the quantum field; when we make a choice to move beyond our analytical mind and pause, we can access our subconscious mind, and that is where the most exponential change is made; the frequencies we then emit are ones we have consciously chosen; love, joy, peace and acceptance.  


"The more we learn about the workings of the body, the more we realise just how vast is the intelligence at work within it and how little we know" - Eckhart Tolle 

What are trapped emotions? 

As you live through the days and years of your life, you are continuously experiencing emotions of one sort or another. Life can be difficult, and emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming. All of us experience negative emotional extremes at times. Most of us would rather forget some of the challenges, but unfortunately, the influence of these events can stay with us in the form of trapped emotions. Sometimes for reasons that we do not yet understand, emotions do not process completely. In these cases, instead of simply experiencing the emotion and then moving on, the energy of the emotion somehow becomes "trapped"- within the physical body.  

So instead of moving beyond your angry moment, grief or depression, this negative emotional energy can remain within your body, potentially causing significant physical and emotional stress. Most people are amazed to find out that their "emotional baggage" is more literal than they had imagined. Trapped emotions actually consist of well-defined energies that have a shape and form. Although they are not visible, they are very real. 

Freeing ourselves from our trapped emotions can liberate us, give life to new ideas, hopes, and ambitions, and influence our longevity and overall health. Somatic unwinding and energy healing are powerful ways of releasing these blocks, paving the way for a brighter and more vivid future.  

To conclude, the energy that lives within us is yearning to be met, understood and expressed; it is so important to have compassion and give space to accepting these emotions while feeling safe to release them. When we give way, release and integrate what lives within us, we feel empowered to address this energy at the source. We regain so much freedom, space and wisdom within when we work to heal our bodies.